Sunday, March 5, 2017

"I am whatever I say I am"

"Trying to define yourself is like trying to bite your own teeth." - Alan Watts
It's easy, but kind of pointless.
My name is Kalen.
  • I'm majoring in Strategic Communications.
  • I like to read and write.
  • I'm graduating next May.
  • I think I'm pretty funny.
  • I love to drink coffee and eat dessert.
  • I have great friends.
I could easily list the people who have made the greatest impact on my life, or the experiences that "changed the way I thought about everything," but there would still no clarification on who I really am.
I am more than lists, more than just my preferences, characteristics or adjectives. I am the accumulation of my experiences, thoughts and interactions.
Defining oneself is intriguing, but limiting.
Identity is more fluid and it creates a bond between individuals.
  1. the fact of being who or what a person or thing is.
    "he knows the identity of the bombers"
  2. a close similarity or affinity
Describing my identity allows for a more accurate interpretation of who I am. My identity portrays which groups I consider myself a member to, my perspective and my cultural affiliations.
I identify as a 21 year old, African-American, heterosexual female. I'm a Christian and I have an extroverted personality.
The terminology I've used to identify myself, reveals how I view myself and the cultural contexts that have shaped my perspective.
Humans are meant for relationships with others, so it is natural to identify and understand what groups we feel a part of. These associations create our identities, while our characteristics create our personalities.
Despite the words of Marshall Mathers, it only matters how you identify yourself.
-Eminem, The Way I Am 2000

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